In week 17 of 2024, in the Project EEA 107379/2019 the activities for automation system (system for command, measurement and control) (including design, execution and installing) (batch 1) were completed
In week 17 of 2024, in the project EEA 107379/2019 (Hybrid system for energetic efficiency using geothermal energy applied in UPG Ploiesti campus) it has been completed the contract for supplying/design/execution/installing of the automation system (system for command, measurement and control) (including design, execution and installing) and his reception took place.
The contract goals were represented by three activity as follows:
Cod CPV 48219300-9 (administration software and related licenses) – Activity 1.3 – Monitoring platform
Cod CPV 42961200-2 (Scada system or equivalent automation system) – Activity 6.1 – Smart system for operating and sensors
Cod CPV 71356100-9 (Services of technical control) – Activity 6.2 – Tests and commissioning
The investment is part of the grant “Hybrid system for energetic efficiency using geothermal energy, applied in UPG”, financed by the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 – “Energy Program in Romania”, Call 2 – Increased capacity for the supply of renewable energy – Geothermal energy.